Continual Improvement - How customer feedback improves our Tree Planting Spear

Continual Improvement - How customer feedback improves our Tree Planting Spear

We feel fortunate here at PLANTEM® to be able to combine our passions and skillsets with manufacturing partners around the UK to respond to our customers needs and feedback.

Since the lauch of our PLANTEM® range, we've been eagerly capturing user feedback and working to improve quality. We're now pleased to launch a slightly improved design of Tree Planting Spear, 250g lighter, without compromising our key objectives of robustness and durability.

The Spear is now easier to handle on longer planting days, with reduced risk of snagging in brash. The slightly reduced blade height is better suited to typical root lengths within the tools reccomended sapling size range.

Customer feedback is always important to businesses, here at PLANTEM® it directly impacts how the product is designed, developed and manufactured . . . . as well as improving quality of service we provide to our customers. Feedback is invaluable and we're always grateful for your time spent providing it.

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