New reed bed planted alongside lake

Planting new reed beds with PLANTEM® tools.

Volunteers restoring old game and fishing lakes approached us to ask if our PLANTEM® tools would be helpful to plant new reed beds. Reeds thrive in clay and silty soils, obviously wet at waters edge, their rhizomes growing vertically or creeping horizontally. Soil consistency places heavy loads on tools when pockets are worked open.

"The tools were brilliant, we settled into a routine using the Dibber for vertical rhizomes, opening a hole and using the T-handle to twist and drill it into the sludgy clay. The Spear made it much easier to plant creeping rhizomes, opening a longer trench in the clay."Vertical reed rhizome ready to plant in a hole made by a PLANTEM Dibber

Man planting reeds with creeping rhizomes in clay soil by waterCreeping reed rhizome being planted in trench created with a PLANTEM Spear

PLANTEM® Spear and Dibber, durable and versatile in the harshest of planting conditions.

We're always interested to hear how our tools are used, if you've found unique or interesting application let us know in the comments below.

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